Krystal Klear Water Purification

You may be asking … “What does Water Purification have to do with Captain Electric?” (After all – it is true we are electricians not plumbers). Well, we care about our clients, and when we came across this exceptional product with such great benefits, we just had to share it with those we care about.

The system was first installed in our company office & shop. Then the system was installed in the owner’s homes. Five of our Electricians now have the systems in their homes. We loved the system so much that Captain Electric decided to become a Krystal Klear Water dealer, so that we can offer it to all of our clients and friends.

We have been trained on the system, the installation and maintenance, and we look after the complete installation for you, with our master plumber for the plumbing installation. 

The Krystal Klear Water System is the “GREEN” solution for clearer, cleaner water from every faucet in your home. You will feel and taste the difference!

Call for a Water brochure of your own, if you haven’t received one already.

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