We’ve been at the shop for about 18 months now. Man how time has flown by!
We did intend to have an open house when we moved in, but have been very busy expanding with office staff and field staff as well.
But then we were thinking – “Hey” our house is always open anyway !
So this is YOUR invitation to stop in anytime, and take a look at our new location. We have the coffee on, and some snacks in the fridge, and we can take you on a quick tour and show you the latest in lighting technologies that are now available.
So….. YES we are Open (8am – 5pm) Monday to Friday, and our Open “House” is your house too!
Kiera & Todia
Booking Appointments
Diane at the computer
Captain Electric Kitchen
Captain Electric
Office Detail
Ryan WeldingRestocking Shelves
Captain Electric Project
Storage of Parts Inventory