Electrical Service Repair & Installation
ACP Contractor #MCR0145
ECRA/ESA Licence #7000641
Durham Region: 905.683.4195
Toronto: 416.281.2700
Markham: 905.305.9535
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Aluminum Wiring Repair, Rewiring, & Certification
Is Aluminum Wiring Certification Necessary? In recent years there has been an increase in the concern over the safety of aluminum wiring. In particular, purchasers or owners of homes built from the mid 1960’s to the late 1970’s with aluminum wiring are finding that many insurers will not provide or renew insurance coverage on such properties unless the aluminum wiring is certified, inspected and repaired or replaced as necessary, and the work is inspected by the ESA (Electrical Safety Authority), and a copy of the certificate of inspection is provided to the insurer. Generally, insurance companies are looking for aluminum wiring certification to continue to provide insurance coverage on the property.
Many homes have a mixture of both aluminum and copper wiring.
Problems with aluminum wiring
Reported problems with aluminum wiring have been related to the overheating and failure of aluminum wiring terminations. This is due to the tendency of aluminum wiring to oxidize, and aluminum’s incompatibility with devices designed for use with copper wiring only. Aluminum has a higher rate of expansion than copper wiring, which can lead to loose connections, arcing and melting, eventually fire. Warm cover plates or discolouration of switches or receptacles, flickering lights or the smell of hot plastic insulation may be evidence of poor or improperly made connections.
What can you do?
All homes are wired differently and must be assessed on an individual basis.
The Electrical Safety Authority recommends that the homeowner hire an authorized electrical contractor that is knowledgeable in the approved methods for working with and repairing aluminum wiring. You do have a couple of options.
Aluminum Wiring Rejuvenation
Call us and ask about our “Aluminum Wiring Rejuvenation” solution.
Replacing all the receptacles and switches in the home, with ones that are rated for aluminum wiring, and treating all other connections at light fixtures and junction points with an antioxidant, and replacing wire connectors with ones that are rated for aluminum.
Rewiring your home would be the best long term solution for eliminating problems associated with aluminum wiring, but it also represents a substantial investment. This may be the best solution in some cases.
A great starting point would be to call Captain Electric and arrange for an assessment and 60 Point Electrical Safety Inspection Report for your home.